Library Cards
Anyone age 7 or older is able to obtain a library card. To apply for a library card, ask for a resgistration form at the front desk. You must provide proof of your current permanent address (such as a piece of mail, a current driver's license, a utility bill, a checkbook with name/address imprint, etc.). Our library needs all new accoutns to have an I.D. number on file, preferably from a valid Iowa driver's license. Other acceptable I.D. numbers include a social security number, a passport number, or a picture identification issued from any state or government entity.
If you are under the age of 18 and have a current Iowa driver's license or permit, you may use your own license number for the I.D. number on file. If you are under 18 and do not have an Iowa driver's license or permit, you will need to have a parent or guardian help you apply.
If you lose your library card, come to the Front Desk to replace it for $1.00.
Loan Periods
At check-out, you will receive a receipt with the due date of your items. Books, magazines, newspapers and audiobooks can be checked out for three weeks before needing to be renewed. For these items, you are allowed one renewal and the fine is $0.10/day for each item. DVDs can be checked out for four days and are not renewable. TV series can be checked out for three weeks and are not renewable. The fine for overdue DVDs and TV series are $1.00/day per item.
Returning Checked-out Materials
If the library is closed, please use the book drop at the front of the building by the Front Doors anytime. The little book drop doors can swing open 24 hours per day. If the library is open, you may return the books at the Front Desk.
Please return your items to the library before or on the due date so that you will not incur a late fine. If your items are not returned, you will get a courtesy phone call or text, which will be followed by overdue notices by mail.